Data & BI

How to Track Email Campaigns and Traffic in GA4

Tracking email campaigns and traffic in GA4 can provide you with valuable insights into how you are performing in terms of email campaigns.

To analyze email traffic, you need to create a new report which displays all the information within 9 different tabs in GA4’s Explorations section.

Therefore, you can have a detailed report that looks something like this:

GA4 Email Tracking

GA4 Email Tracking

In this guide, you will learn step by step how to create this kind of exploration for email tracking in GA4.

Here is what those tabs will include:

  1. Overview,
    displaying a general picture of each marketing campaign

  2. Landing Pages,
    showing the performance of your landing pages from email traffic

  3. Devices,
    demonstrating the performance of devices such as desktop, mobile, smart TV, etc. that provided email traffic to your website

  4. Browsers,
    presenting the performance of web browsers that provided email traffic to your website

  5. Countries,
    showing the countries that generated email traffic to your website

  6. Conversions,
    providing all the conversions created by email traffic on your website

  7. Ecommerce,
    revealing the ecommerce performance of email traffic to your website

  8. User Flow,
    demonstrating how the email traffic is using your website

  9. Funnel,
    displaying how the email traffic is converting on your website

Important: To start creating email tracking reports in Google Analytics 4, you first need to create a report named ‘Organic Traffic Analysis’ in the Explorations section. Then, you will use it as a template for the email tracking report.

Now, follow the steps below to go ahead and create Organic Traffic Analysis first.

Now that you have created a set of reports for Organic Traffic Analysis under Exploration, you should be able to see it as shown in the graphic below:

Organic Traffic Analysis reports - GA4

Organic Traffic Analysis reports – GA4

Now, follow the steps below to create email tracking reports in Google Analytics 4:

Basically, this is how you can create different sets of reports to monitor & track email campaigns and traffic in Google Analytics 4.

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